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January 13, 2022 3 min read

wedding planner notebook

Planning a wedding is difficult, and it can take quite a heavy toll on your wellbeing and peace of mind if you are new to event organization. Still, there are a few ways for you to slice stress and maximize planning success, and conducting a well thought-out event planning survey is one of them. Using the survey results, you will get a better idea as to how you should go about wedding essentials such as seating, music, food and other details. However, to obtain all the necessary information, you will need to structure your survey properly – and if you do not know how to do this, you have come to the right place.

Pre-event survey 101: The fine details

To get the vital information you need for your wedding plan, you will need to use a pre-event survey. Though pre-event and event planning surveys can sometimes be used interchangeably, the pre-event survey is more suited to planning a wedding as it aims to gather information regarding fine details such as food preferences or taste in music. In some cases, you can also use it to get the data about lodging wishes in case you have guests who need a place to stay after the wedding. Event planning surveys, on the other hand, aim to help you establish what the attendees hope to get out of the event. For this reason, you should opt for the pre-event format as it allows you to learn more about your guests than its event planning counterpart.

Critical logistics of wedding planning

clipboard next to laptop

Another aspect which you should focus on when designing your wedding planning survey, logistics such as the location and date of the event can help you choose the right venue and day for the wedding. For instance, you can offer a few different dates to your guests to choose from as this will allow you to organize the wedding with highest turnout on days when your friends and family have no other obligations. Similarly, you can ask questions about the time of the event and venues of preference in case you are short on ideas yourself. Date, time, and venue questions can play a vital role in the success of your wedding planning efforts and can significantly simplify the process of staging the wedding party. For greater convenience, you can rely on an easy online survey creator, so you need not spend a lot of time on survey creation.

Wedding planning survey question types

As a rule, your wedding planning survey should focus on a few different aspects of the event. For instance, you can ask your guests about their diet, favorite musicians or music genres, as well as venue and seating preferences. As a rule, you should use a multi-select question types, but it is also possible to allow the guests to fill in the gaps in open-ended textbox questions. Also, you can include ranking question types so that the attendees can respond by ranking options for each of the topics. If you want to keep the survey short and neat, however, multi-cloze questions are a better option.

Are you ready to plan your wedding like a pro? With the help of custom-created wedding planning surveys, taking care of the fine details such as menu prep, seating charts, music selection, and various other aspects will be super-simple. To get the most out of your event planning surveys, break the questionnaire down to a few individual topics and use multi-select questions. Also, be sure to send the survey out well ahead of Day W so that you would have enough time to see to fine frills. After you have tied up loose ends, you will be able to tie the knot in high style and ensure your wedding crowd has a wonderful time. After all, the whole point of your wedding day is to make memories which will last a lifetime for both you and your guests, isn’t it?