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August 31, 2021 2 min read

You invited everyone who mattered to your wedding, including those relatives you haven’t seen in ages. But you didn’t ask pests to RSVP.

Few things can spark terror on your big day like a wasp invasion, so here are four tips for dealing with these critters on your big day.

1. Treat With Insecticide 

You notice a wasp’s nest underneath your eaves, and you plan on throwing a backyard reception. Your first option is to DIY. Fortunately, you can find insecticides that are nontoxic to humans if you need to treat close to the event day.

Take precautions before you spray — don’t head out in shorts. Ensure you wear thick fabrics head to toe to protect against stings. Safety goggles protect your eyes from insects and wayward mist.

2. Call a Professional

Of course, if you don’t relish the thought of a swarm of angry wasps attacking you as you decimate their home, you could call a professional. Ensure you do your due diligence if you haven’t used such a service in the past. Ask questions such as how long the organization has been in business in your area and ask for local references.

3.  Inspect Your Venue


What if you plan to host your reception at a park or nature center? Wasps may still strike, but you can take precautions by inspecting your venue before your big day.

What should you look for? Use your eyes and ears to listen for buzzing and search for nests. Cover high and low — some wasps make nests out of mud with holes instead of papery abodes.

4. Provide an Escape Route

If the worst happens and insects attack, where will your guests go? A large outdoor venue located far from the parking lot won’t help prevent many stings.

If possible, have a suitable shelter onsite to fit all your guests in case of a swarm. If that’s impossible, try to rent pavilions or set up your tents close to the parking area so that your guests can beat a hasty retreat. This tip also comes in handy if a freak storm interrupts your festivities.

Deal With Wasps on Your Big Day With These Tips

You don’t want your wedding or reception marred by an insect horde. Deal with wasps on your big day with these tips.