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July 11, 2018 2 min read

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Pure Lilac - More Than Meets The Eye an excerpt from RenŽ's BouquetsPureza de lila- Mas de lo que el ojo puede verLilac stems make a romantic choice for a bridal bouquet-but lilacs are among those tender flowers that will not last out of water even as long as it takes to carry them down the aisle. For those who love lilacs, and the look of a hand-tied bouquet, there is a solution: the faux hand-tied bouquet, in which the flowers drink from floral foam in a hidden bouquet holder.Lilacs, like other woody stems, are heavy drinkers that require a bouquet holder with a large foam cage.For this bouquet, the holder's white plastic handle was covered with brown floral tape, and leaves glued to the underside of the cage with floral adhesive. Lilac stems cover the handle, secured with paper-wrapped wire. The cut end of a long piece of asparagus fern is inserted into the foam, the fern is wound around the cage, and the tip is pinned to the foam with a snippet of chenillestem , which swells in the foam and lodges securely.Las lilas son romanticas para un ramo de novia-pero se cuentan entre las flores tiernas que no vivrian fuera del aqua, ni lo que tome llegar al altar. Para aquellos que adoran las lilas y la apariencia de un ramo de mano, hay solucion: el falso en que las flores beben de una espuma floral, oculta en el mango del ramo.Al igual que otros tallos de madera, las lilas requieren mucha aqua y un contenedor grande de spuma. Se debe envolver cinta floral alrededor del mango plastico blaco y usar pegamento de flores para adherir las hojas a su parte inferior. Al final se aseguran los extremos de las lilas, al mango, con alambre forrado. Una pieza larga de helecho de esparrago cubrira la espuma. Inserte en ella las puntas cortadas. De varias vueltas al helecho alrededor del contenedor y asegure con un alfiler la punta a laespuma, agregando un pedacito de chenille que, al ensancharse, servira de cuna.