Arranging Fresh, Dried & Silk Flowers
July 13, 2018 3 min read
Arranging Fresh, Dried & Silk Flowers
Photo above from Celebration of Flowers by Ron Morgan
Vertical designsare easily assembled in tall, narrow containers. The dominant thrust of the plant material is vertical with few lines leading in other directions. Cattails, delphinium, anthurium, gladiolus, iris or ting-ting are naturally tall and straight. Focal material is placed at the lip and slightly above within the container. Vertical designs create feelings that are uplifting and aspiring.
A crescentis a segment of a circle that resembles a new moon. Insert the focal flowers fairly low on the curve to achieve balance and depth. The asymmetrically balanced crescent is more appealing than the symmetrically balanced one and is also easier to assemble. It feels restful.
Horizontal arrangements are often used for centerpieces, long tables, windowsills... anywhere an extended arrangement is suitable. Use a shallow container and position the sprays of line flowers to establish the length of the design. Insert the focal flowers in the middle so they droop over the lip of the container on both sides and reach towards the line material. Fill in with filler flowers around the focal area.
Taller horizontal arrangementsmake interesting viewing when the flowers and foliage are stacked by height from back to front. Use a rectangular basket or vase. Insert the line flowers along the back of the container, the filler floral in the middle and the focal flowers at the bottom. Horizontal arrangements can be very playful and inviting.
Photo above from Celebration of Flowers by Ron Morgan
Triangular arrangementsmay be equally balanced on each side or asymmetrical with one point of the triangle extending further than the other. The stems radiate from a central area with paler and smaller flowers and leaves extending to the outer edges. Deep colored or brighter blooms used near the center or slightly below give a feeling of stability and provide a focal point of interest. Make the height higher than the width, and position the flowers so they droop on the periphery in an elegant and relaxed fashion. Fill in with small flowers and foliage keeping within the triangular shape.
The asymmetrical triangleis a very popular line or line-mass design. The design may be either right or left handed, meaning the tallest line will either be right or left of the axis. Some bare branches, a few flowers and some leaves will suffice to make a beautiful design.