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November 02, 2021 2 min read

What’s better than making a giant wish list full of gifts you’d like to receive? Your wedding registry is traditionally the place to get those items you’ll need to start a household.

However, nothing’s stopping you from throwing in some fun requests, too. Here’s what you should include in your registry.

1. A Little Bit of Fun

Your wedding registry doesn’t have to consist of crockpots and china — especially if you already have those items. People tend to wait longer to get married today, meaning you might already have two sets of many necessities.

Instead, let yourself have a bit of fun. If you and your future spouse adore camping, why not ask for gifts like a new hammock or a solar shower for your site?

Conversely, if you love all things automotive, why not include a car-detailing or quality tool kit to make those upgrades you want to make to your vehicle? You can start your first days of wedded bliss pimping your ride.

2. The Housekeeping Basics

Of course, you might need a new set of pots and pans or a vacuum cleaner — go ahead and use your registry for such items. If you and your spouse-to-be don’t yet cohabitate, it’s wise to go through both of your households and take an inventory before making your list.

Even if you have some items already, it might make sense to upgrade. For example, you’ll now have two sets of friends to entertain at dinner parties — do you have enough wine glasses for each guest?

3. Donations Toward a Larger Cause

bride and groom

What if you have more substantial needs — like living room furniture or a nuptial bed? If so, consider using one of today’s many wedding registry apps. Select stores allow you to shop directly through the retailer and chip in for big-ticket items instead of settling for yet another set of dishtowels you can probably skip.

4. Is It Cool to Ask for Cash?

It used to be an etiquette faux pas to ask for cash on your wedding registry. Please relax. The practice is common today. In other cultures, guests often present envelopes of money as gifts. You can even find specialized cash registry applications that help you prepare for life after the big day — such as putting a down payment on your home.

What Should You Include in Your Wedding Registry?

Your wedding registry is a unique opportunity to get the items you need to start your life together. Use this checklist as a reference when completing yours.